Wardie Burns
Rapper from Edinburgh
Release | Year |
SOS Mixtape | 2013 |
Vagabonds: After Birth | 2012 |
Vagabonds In Space | 2011 |
Escape From Carstairs | 2011 |
Oor Wardie | 2010 |
Vagabonds | 2010 |
The Swine Flu Mixtape | 2009 |
Artist | Track | Album | Year |
Werd | Nightmare | God Save The Public | 2016 |
Mog | Fade Away | In Black 'N' White | 2013 |
Madhat McGore | Cruel To Be Kind | The Wonderland Mixtape | 2012 |
Wee D | Paperclips | Hip Hop Ruined My Life | 2012 |
Nity Gritz | The Cypher | Writers Block | 2012 |
Werd | Vagabonds Pt2 | Untitled Scot | 2012 |
Deeko | Grime Eh | Life Itself 2 | 2011 |
Deeko | Sweet Dreams | Life Itself 2 | 2011 |
Conscious Route | Understand | Nowadays EP | 2011 |
Madhat McGore | Gossip | The Theophilus Carter LP | 2010 |
Werd | Put It Doon | Scottish Rap Re-Mixtape Vol.2 | 2010 |
Werd | Dae Aw Day | The Scottish Rapper Mixtape | 2009 |