1. | Newtxpscxre |
2. | Nx |
3. | Xpen Wxund. |
4. | All Rxckstars Gx Tx Heaven |
5. | I Lxve Yxu/I Hate Yxu. |
6. | GlxryHunter |
7. | Still a Ghxul |
8. | Hxnxur. |
9. | Crematixn. |
10. | Lxrd, Scar. |
11. | Humiliatixn. |
12. | 27 |
13. | The Rumbling |
14. | G.T.F.U |
15. | Slitherin. |
16. | Ghxst in the Shell |
17. | Gxxey Gxxey |
18. | Generatixn |
19. | Weirdx. |
20. | Mxrbid. |
21. | Wake Up! |
22. | Yujirx's Theme |
23. | Bible Black |
24. | Dxing Me. |
25. | TELL ME WHY |
26. | Pussybxyrun |
27. | IsThisReal? |